What a sunny day it is.

What a sunny day it is.

"And here we are you can take a seat here and I'll be right back."  The nurse took me out of my ruminative state when she spoke. I go over to a chair that was in the room and take out my phone to wait. About 10 minutes go by when I hear the door open up again. "Alright," The nurse comes in with a clipboard and a pen in hand.



After I left him in the room I went towards Rae to not only grab the clipboard of information but also to compose myself. "Rae! Omg! I can't- My childhood role model is in that room!" Rae looked at me as if I was crazy which to be fair I was going crazy. "That is him? The guy? No way" I looked at her with pleading eyes "Just calm down and go in there dude you don't even know what he is here for." I lowered my head in defeat and extended my hand. Rae handed me the clipboard and a pen and pointed toward the direction of the room signaling me to get going. Her eyes were basically yelling at me to not bother her with my problems. I make my way to the room and stop at the door. *sigh* I take a deep breath and walk in.

I take the clipboard out, which contained a series of health questions and also the sheet he had filled out earlier. “Alright then let's start. First question is how healthy is your diet 1 being not good and 10 being very healthy. If you want I can give you examples of what is a good and a bad diet.” He thinks for a moment before answering “ Well I take very well care of myself I would say I eat pretty well. Of coarse I do have my share of unhealthy choices now and then, I am a sweets type of person ” he trails off talking about the sweets he likes until going back to the main point “but any ways I would say I am a 9 I am pretty healthy.

“Alright second question is do you exercise and if you do how often?” He giggles at the obvious answer, the thing is he was in pretty good shape he wasn't those super musclely guys but he did have a good body. “Well, I would say every week not everyday since I sometimes am a bit busier so I don't get time.” I ask him some more questions and I can't help but notice that he is a very healthy person he seems like the type that wouldn't really get sick very often so it made me think that he probably doesn't really have something severe. “Last question is, how much time do you spend outside in the sun?” 

“About 2 to 3 hours I just love the feeling of the sun on my skin and also I have to take care of my plants and take out my dog.” A dear heliophile I see. We are quite different in that aspect I'm a selenophile. “Well sir it seems you are quite the healthy person so there's a big chance that its probably nothing” he smiled at me and wow he has such a pretty smile. “Thank you so much doc, I hope that's the case” he smiled again but this time I noticed he had dimples! How better could this guy get! We finished the consultation and he was able to go home. I really hope that he doesn't have anything wrong.

Heliophilia: The need to stay in the sun; love of sunlight.

selenophile: a lover of the moon.

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