Felix; The groom

Felix; The groom

"Well then, seeing as how we've all eaten how about we start with discussing bridesmade dresses!" May chimed in. "Ah yes! lets." mother agreed. "So what were you thinking?" I asked contributing to the efforts of changing the mood. I am very happy and excited that my sister allowed me to be a part of the wedding planning and the joy I felt when my sister asked me to be her maid of honor is something I cannot even describe. May's husband has been my best friend since first years of middle school. We were together basically 24/7 and may always tagged along. Around highschool I noticed may always got jittery around him, she got dressed up whenever he was around, and she blushed whenever he complimented her on anything, but what really told me she liked him was the fact she talked about him anytime she didn't see him, even when he was with us literally a minute before. No matter how much she tried to hide it she was just too obvious. Now the way that they got together is still very funny to me.

"Hey tori," Felix called out, "Can I ask you something?" he continued.

"what is it?" "Well you know how I really value our friendship and I wouldn't want anything to jeopardize it right?" I giggled at this "You like May don't you?"  he looked at me surprised as if saying 'can you read my mind?' "It was pretty obvious" "Well I wanted to ask if you were ok I asked her out?" " I don't really have a say in this it is yours and her life but for what its worth you have my approval, even if you don't need it." I laghed on that last part.

 My father passed away when I was 8 yo and ever since I was raised by my mother whom I never had a good relationship with, but since my father wasn't here and my mother was basically a ghost if it wasn't for berrading us, I had to step up as a parent to my younger sister may and raise her by myself basically. Felix knew this and he was always there for us but since I was only 2 years older than may we were very close, all three of us. So I wasn't really surprised when he came to ask me if he could date her but I wasn't the one to impose in their mutual love plus I could see that they were perfect for each other trully. After that they went on to date for about 5 years and then Felix proposed to May whom wasted no time in telling me and asking me to be her maid of honor, a decision which even till today mother is still bitter about. 

 "I was thinking," May started with a sing song voice, "For the color a nice baby pink, some rose gold jewelry, and a cherry blossom tied up on a bun." her eyes were shiny, beaming with excitment explaining her vision. Her eyes darted between me and mother looking for aprovement. "That sounds beautiful May" May flashes me a smile, giving a nod. "Are you not doing a traditional japanese wedding?" mother asked. Mays smile quivered "Well, mom, I did considered but me and Felix wanted to combine our cultures and that is why I added a cherry blossom and the dresses will be normal long dresses with a small slit on the bottom, one sleve with a flower on the waist." She tried to reason with mother but it was worthless, mother gave her a dissatisfied look combined with disappointment," Well I suppose appreciating ones culture is now in the past" her shoulders raised and lowered in mock. "It is not your wedding, now is it, Akuma?" I sneered. "Well not only is she marrying out of our own but she is casting aside our culture? I knew it was a bad idea to come to America." Mother rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Oh please it was your idea first of all and second of all you have no saying in who my sister can marry since you didn't even know him until he proposed. And it wasn't because she tried to hide it but because you didn't care." things had startd to get heated but before mother could reply "Please can we not do this here." May interrupted. "I agree. I am getting some coffee want some May?" I asked making an excuse to leave. " No, thank you." May replied in a soft low tone. I grabbed my phone from the table and made my way to the counter up front. There was a guy already ordering so she grabbed her phone and opened weare *a social media platform where you can share photos and chat with friends globaly* .  *ding* *ding*  The bell from the door signaled someones entry. I look up instinctually and when I turn my head I see him. Azrael. The enchanting voice. Right then as his eyes looked through the room they landed on me who was looking at him like an idiot. " Hey! we meet again." He smiles.

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