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Writer's picturePamela Rodriguez

Azrael's POV

Updated: Aug 7

Azrael's POV:

After I had left the hospital I went to a cafe to eat something because I hadn't eaten in the morning since I was busy from the time I woke up until now. I had woken up at about 6 in the morning to my cat vera meowing at me to give her food, I always give her food as soon as I wake up so now she demands her food at the same time every day. After I gave her food I made myself some coffee and sat on my balcony to continue reading the book I had been reading this week. At 7:30 I stopped reading to water my plants in the balcony and then went downstairs to water the plants in my yard. It was about time for my usual work out so that is what I did. After that I went to take a shower and get dressed to go get groceries. After getting groceries I went back home to put everything in its place and I also cleaned a little. By the time I was done it was already time to go to my doctors appointment in which went as well as you would imagine a follow up appointment would go. After the life altering news they gave me at the doctors I went to do the one thing that always comforts me, I went to my local music studio and called my friends for a music session. My friends and I have routine, every Friday we get together at the music studio and we play a little and then we go out to eat. We do this little routine firstly because we all have a passion for music and second because we want to keep a part of our past alive. When we were in high school we were a band, more specifically we were our own club and it was just a band of the five of us. After we had finished high school we made a pact to go to the studio and play a little to continue our music as a hobby, although sometimes we actually go to a local bar and play there, but ever since high school our band gets together at the local studio to play for at least an hour. This time was no different except it kind of was. I wasn't exactly sure as to how I was going to tell them that their High school friend had leukemia, I wasn't even sure whether I should even tell them, I mean the doctor said that it is not yet at a very deadly stage. I wouldn't want to worry my friends with such an announcement just for me to completely recover quickly. So I just didn't tell them. I made it be another normal day I didn't let it cross my mind even once and we had fun just like any of the other times, although they did question me why where we getting together on a Monday but I just dismissed it as me being busy on Friday. After the music session we went out to eat then then said our goodbyes. Since I had nothing more to do I went home and gave vera some food and threw myself on my bed. I took out my phone and scrolled through social media for a bit. I got bored so I decided to exercise my other high school hobby, painting. The sun was setting so it was the perfect time to paint my plants in the sunset. I painted for about an hour until I craved for some chips and since I didn't have any at home I decided to go for a walk to the close by convenience store. After getting my chips I was walking around when I saw a bluebell which reminded me of tori and that's when I remembered that I have her number. I took out my phone and gave myself courage to text her.

Hey how are yo-

hey may I ask when yo-

hey want to go out for ice cream sometime?-

I struggled to find the right words to convey my thoughts. So I just wrote one more sentence and sent it in hopes it went well. Thankfully it did go well and we went out to get ice cream and just talk about many things. By the end of our night out I was going to walk her home but my plans where dismissed when we got to the hospital parking lot and at first I thought she had driven a car to the hospital but then I was presented with a motorcycle, I had never driven one before not even been on one. Out of nowhere tori started laughing. She was laughing and I couldn't take me eyes off of her. She had the most beautiful smile and contagious laughter. I smiled with her, even laughed a little too. Then I looked at the motorcycle questioning how it works when suddenly she stopped laughing and opened the seat to give me a helmet. I took it but since I've never worked with helmets or motorcycles I struggled to understand how to secure it and out of nowhere I feel two hand land on each of mine which are holding the helmet straps and get a hold of the straps. I put my hands down and let her help me. I look into her eyes and for a second I could swear the time stopped, the world stopped spinning, and even my heart stopped, it skipped many beats. Her eyes were the stars in my galaxy. It felt like I could stare at her into her eyes for years. Suddenly she turned her face away which snapped me out. We got on the motorcycle and we went to my house. I waved goodbye and she stayed outside until I got inside. after all of that I decided to take a shower and go to bed, but the whole night I couldn't stop thinking about her. I couldn't stop thinking about her beautiful smile and her contagious laughter. I couldn't stop thinking about how pretty she looked under the shine of the moon. In the end I managed to fall asleep but even in my dreams she appeared.

(I will be giving some info about this chapter later so be on the lookout)

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